We don’t want to alarm you, but it’s almost time for back to school shopping! Here at the Goose, we want you to enjoy shopping our fresh fall fashions so much that you forget the about the summer slipping away.
This month’s model, Alison, is certainly cute enough to distract from the end of summer blues! Check out her adorable back-to-school look below:

This Little Red Riding Hood if off to first grade in a Mini Boden corduroy jumper (size 7/8, $11.95) and Gap leggings (size 6, $2.25.) A red zip up hoodie from Lands’ End (size 5, $4 on clearance!) and gorgeous like-new Dansko clogs (size 13, $22.00) pull the outfit together.
Of course, back to school shopping isn’t complete without the perfect accessories. We carry a great collection of Wildkin backpacks and lunchboxes in a variety of adorable patterns, including the one Alison is showing off below:

If backpacks of the previously-loved variety are more your style, we’ve got those too, like this adorable monkey pack:

Whatever your kiddo’s fall style, we can help make it happen. Come see what’s we’ve got in store for you!