As winter nears, we conjure scenes of snow capped roofs, frosty white winter branches, clean crisp air, and a silent stillness that seems to come with the season. A silence that can be shattered by the sounds of frustrated children screeching because snow has crept into their sleeve.
Fear not, snow bunnies, there is a solution! We are excited to announce that both Mama Goose locations now carry Snow Stopper gloves and mittens. They have an extra long cuff that prevents snow from getting in to the sleeve and causing discomfort. They are warm, waterproof and won’t fall off which makes playtime out doors less stressful for everyone. Genius!
We’ve got them in 8 different colors in several sizes to fit ages 6 months to 16 years!
Prices range from $12.98-$19.98

Velcro Strap and Waterproof Palm

Extra Long Cuff