Brrr! It’s been a chilly winter so far, and it looks like more snow days are coming. So, what’s a mama to do with plunging temperatures outside? Make sure your goslings are warm and cozy inside! This month’s models, Charlotte and Elijah, show off the latest in snow day chic.

Cool kid Elijah is relaxing in a Gymboree thermal (size 10/12, $5.50), Mini Boden lounge pants (size 10/12, $14.95) and fleece-lined navy Crocs (size 1, $14.95.) Big sister Charlotte is crushing it in a crushed velvet leisure suit by Rockets of Awesome (size 8, $12.95) and Juicy Couture slippers (size 4, $9.95.)

Elijah increases his coziness factor by adding an Ithaca College Under Armour hoodie (size 10/12, $14.95.)

Charlotte snuggles up in a second set of comfy clothes, featuring a Juice Couture sweatsuit (size 12, $11.95) and Bebe boots (size 3, $9.95) For maximum relaxation, she adds a mermaid blanket ($7.95!)

How do you keep your kids snug as bugs in a rug on cold days? The Goose has plenty of extra layers to help your family ride out the rest of this winter in soft and cuddly style.